When it comes to your brand’s content, quality, not quantity applies. Don’t get me wrong, consistency matters, but quality should be a top priority. That doesn’t mean you need to buy the latest and greatest digital camera to take high-quality Twitpics and YouTube videos – no, no, no. Quality means you need to offer real…

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We all get stuck in routines and patterns. It’s so easy being a creature of habit, isn’t it? I know I’m guilty of it, big time. The downside of doing the same thing, day in and day out, is that we’re not learning anything new, which gives us limited life experiences to draw upon creatively….

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Creativity can rev us up, but it can also demand a lot of brainpower and energy. So it’s important to recharge as often as you can. I’m not a meditation guru – I could actually benefit from becoming much more Zen in life – but I understand the importance of switching off. Whether that means…

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Sometimes our biggest creative enemy is ourselves. That’s right, us. You and me. We all have an inner voice that can barrack for us and help us push through tough situations, or it can feed into our fears and doubts, providing us with every reason in the world as to why we should stop in…

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All of the world’s best inventions, creations and innovations started with one fundamental ingredient: an idea, a hope, a dream. Someone, somewhere, said ‘What if…?’ or ‘Imagine if I could…?’ or ‘How cool would it be to…?’ Dreaming up ideas is a fundamental part of the creative process. From Facebook’s conception, to the ground-breaking iPhone,…

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We can all learn to be funny. That’s right. Contrary to what most of us grow up believing, being funny is not a birthright. Like many other creative and writing disciplines, comedy is an art form. And within it, you can find formulas for comedy theory that can be uncovered, taught, and put into practice…

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As we all know, first impressions count. I don’t know about you but I judge people immediately based on the model of smartphone they use. First impressions are especially important on LinkedIn because in the absence of a handshake, an introductory coffee or a long embrace, when sizing up new companies, business opportunities and prospective…

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