Image: © Roman Motizov/ Dollar Photo Club

When it comes to your brand’s content, quality, not quantity applies. Don’t get me wrong, consistency matters, but quality should be a top priority.

That doesn’t mean you need to buy the latest and greatest digital camera to take high-quality Twitpics and YouTube videos – no, no, no. Quality means you need to offer real value to people who are giving you their time by watching, reading, or otherwise indulging in your content.


That means spelling, grammar, punctuation, audio quality, lighting, layout, and other elements need to be done right. Mistakes in content are unacceptable for brands showcasing themselves online.

Here are a few reasons why:

1. SPELLING MISTAKES  in your title are equivalent to rocking up to a meeting with a massive coffee stain on your dishevelled, unbuttoned shirt. First impressions. It’s the only thing people remember.

2. Creating LONG-WINDED, BORING CONTENT that doesn’t get to the point is like getting stuck with that guy at the party who talks about his badminton racquet technique. Yawn. Edit yourself. Edit, edit, edit.

3. Creating ‘helpful’ and ‘expert’ content that has NO CONSTRUCTIVE OR USEFUL TIPS is like brewing and drinking a potful of decaf coffee. Correct me if I’m wrong, but what’s the point?

4. CONTENT THAT’S TOO ‘ME, ME, ME’ is every party anyone attends in Los Angeles. No thanks.

SO, get to point; quickly, briefly, succinctly. And spell chekk, spell chekk… oh, spell check.

My new book, Capture My Attention, is filled with hands-on strategies and techniques, plus workbook-style exercises, to help you instantly generate captivating content for your professional or personal brand.


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